Download Xilinx PCI Express DMA drivers
Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Xilinx. Technology PCI Express. IP Cores. Use of the integrated DMA is optional, and each instance is independently customizable. The QDMA subsystems provide scalable queue-based DMA for moving enormous volumes of data with low latency, plus support for multiple physical and virtual functions commonly required by enterprise class products. The subsystems also include bridge functionality to AXI interconnect. The subsystem also includes bridge functionality to AXI interconnect.
The DRP Dynamic Reconfiguration Port checkboxes allows the dynamic change of parameters of the transceivers and common primitives. It has a processor friendly interface with an address bus, data bus and control signals. The IP advises to change them in accordance with the GT user guide. The user can change all the fields. Obviously, since the driver communicates with the PCIe endpoint, the device ID at least must be identical to the device ID used in the driver code.
The Vendor ID is vendor specific. The user can insert any value, but for the good engineering practice it is better to use a known value. It affects only how the driver translates this number to a specific vendor.
For example, when inserting the value: 0x, the driver will identify the PCIe endpoint as Intel Altera , whereas entering the value 0x10EE will be identified as Xilinx. The default values and checkboxes are as follows:. Nonetheless, as these BARs have implications on our design see next paragraph , the user should decide what to define in these fields. There are various checkboxes available. The user manual defines them well. This interface related to the memory map register interface.
According to PG manual:. I did not check it, as AXI Lite was enough for the implementation. These registers should be used for programming the DMA and checking status. Need to remember, though, that using the default value of 0 will cause all accesses to the BAR to be translated to a base address of 0 in AXI space.
This seems logical if the BAR size is large enough, but in case there are multiple AXI peripherals that acquire access it could limit them and cause issues. The Prefetchable option enables faster operations between the CPU and the memory. It is a region of memory marked as prefetchable and the CPU can request in advance as an optimization.
Putting it all together, in my project this tab looks like this:. Xilinx XDMA, even if very easy to implement, and very straight forward, does have a few drawbacks. Though they are not a deal-breaker from my point of view, still, the average user must know them before starting to work with this core:.
This means if you need more than 4 for your design, you cannot use this solution. This is simple as that. What it means, is if you do want to implement further enhancements like adding more channels , this cannot be achieved, as all under the hood — cannot be seen by the user.
This may be sufficient for the average user, but when thinking ahead to a more sophisticated implementation of the DMA with this core, this is a show stopper. Other than that, Xilinx did a great job with this core. It is simple to use and easy to implement in your designs. This is an example of how Xilinx made an effort to ease the implementation phase with the XDMA for the average user.
In this tab I did not alter anything. I decided not to use Interrupts in my design as Polling is much preferred in terms of bandwidth. Even though I wanted to design a very simple example design with only one Master. Nonetheless, I did not change it. Furthermore, Xilinx has a nice feature called: Descriptor Bypass.
This enable achieving high performance and bandwidth. Descriptor Bypass means the descriptors are handled by the hardware, and not by SW or driver. The implication of that is the user must write his own logic for this mechanism, and I will warn you it is not straight forward. And after changing all checkboxes as written above the core looks much more interesting, not to mention complicated:.
In an effort to save you from going over the whole pages, I thought about giving you some references to the most important and interesting parts in the manual. Looking at table 33 and table 34 at PG we can see the ports which are in charge for the Descriptor Bypass feature. The Run bit is obviously the one you would want to control in your design. Most of the others are used for logging. DMA test is a nice feature you may want to implement at the end of your design phase. Just set the Run bit mentioned in Table 52 and then pass a predefined data file counter, for example from your host towards the board when testing H2C direction , measure the cycle counts and the data bytes, mentioned in tables 53 and 55, Respectively and divide them to receive the full throughput.
If there are issues related to link up, enumeration, general PCIe boot-up, or a detection issue, please follow the PCIe debug strategy as described in Xilinx Answer as it will have nothing to do with the AXI. Then check the output of the dmesg command to help you narrow down where the issue is.
Once you have narrowed down to which function calls it fails, do a PIO transfer to read or write to the particular register that the driver is accessing to see what response you get.
The primary section to look for is the probe function inside of the xdma-core. Floating Server Tools Linux Flex v You are using a deprecated Browser. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Xilinx. Support Downloads. Licensing Help. Version Vivado ML Edition - Important Information Vivado ML